Special Services
Features of the Special Services Department
- Continuum of Special Education Programs
- Emphasis on Prevention and Early Remediation Support Services
- Competitive State and Federal Grants to Support District Initiatives
- Academic Intervention Supports/Response to Intervention Model
- Emphasis on Research-Based "Best Practices"
- Transition Services
- High Percentage of Students Enrolled in Postsecondary Education or Training
The Rye Neck schools are committed to the development and implementation of appropriate programs for all students in the District who require Special Services. In support of this commitment, the Board of Education has set the following objectives:
- To provide a free appropriate program in the least restrictive environment as determined by the Committee on Special Education for students with educational disabilities.
- To provide academic support programs to eligible students in accordance with New York State regulations.
- To provide oral and written language instruction and academic support to students eligible for English as a Second Language programs.
- To provide the following supplemental services to classified students when needed to support their academic programs:
Speech/Language Services:
Speech/Language teachers provide small group and individual instruction designed to encourage age-appropriate speech and language acquisition.
Occupational Therapy Services:
The occupational therapist provides small group and individual instruction designed to improve motor coordination/planning, sensory processing and visual perceptual skills.
Counseling Services:
The District’s Psychologists are available to support students when their emotional needs related to or interfering with their academic achievement.
Remedial Instruction:
Remedial instruction and academic support/tutorials are provided to eligible students who require additional assistance in reading, mathematics and content area classes.
Any staff member or teacher/teaching assistant who provides Title I services to students meets all the New York State requirements and has the appropriate certification for the service. The district has established policies and procedures to ensure the rights of students and parents under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.